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William Optics 50mm Slide-base Uniguide; williams optics guide scope William Optics 50mm Guiding Scope with; williams optics guide scope William Optics
2019 All New Slide-base UniGuide 50mm Scope (with a Unique 1.25 inch RotoLock) Introducing New GT71 And UniGuide 50mm scope ! UniGuide50 specification: Length:270mm. Weight: 515g. Extra Long Dewshield length:90mm (prevent much less dew) 1.25” Rotolock included Front focuser system. Focus lock ring included Guiding with the Mini Guide Scope - makes astrophotography easier and needs less equipment .
2019 All New Slide-base UniGuide 50mm Scope (with a Unique 1.25 inch RotoLock) Introducing New GT71 And UniGuide 50mm scope by william optics! William Optics - All New Slide-base UniGuide 50mm Scope (with a Unique 1.25 inch RotoLock) in Blue; William Optics - All New Slide-base UniGuide 50mm Scope (with a Unique 1.25 inch RotoLock) in Blue. Be the first to review this product. Review and collect 50 points.
SKU: UPC: Availability: Usually ship in 10 to 14 days.
William Optics 50mm Guiding Scope with 1.25" Rotolock III HK$1,200.00 William Optics Slide-base Uniguide 32mm Scope HK$930.00 Be the first to receive our members only promotions and new product releases
From Russ Leonard William Optics UniGuide 50mm Slide-Base Guide Scope w/ 1.25" RotoLock o.b.o. · Length: 270mm (10.6") · Weight: 515g (1.14 lb) · Included: 1.25" RotoLock Feb 26, 2021 Style: William Optics 50mm Slide-base Uniguide; William Optics 50mm Guide Scope; William Optics 50mm f/4 Guide Scope; William Optics 50mm William Optics 50mm Slide-base Uniguide; williams optics guide scope William Optics 50mm Guiding Scope with; williams optics guide scope William Optics The setup above shows a William Optics Zenithstar 73 refractor with a 50mm guide scope and camera mounted on top. If you are looking to add a small guide Apr 5, 2021 william optics 50mm guide scope online store sell william optics 50mm guide scope violet,william optics 50mm guide scope calypso,william Guidescope Suitability Calculator. Calculate the resoution in arc seconds per pixel of a CCD with a particular telescope.
The UniGuide 50mm guide scope from William Optics is yet another example of how William Optics knows how to mix aesthetic and function! This 50mm Guide scope is made to work with the William Optics Gran Turismo 71, ZenithStar 73, Gran Turismo 81, and Fluorostar 132 refractors equipped with the CNC Slide-In Carry Handle.
All OK, slightly scruffy boxes / packaging. Full … 2019 All New Slide-base UniGuide 50mm Scope (with a Unique 1.25 inch RotoLock) Introducing New GT71 And UniGuide 50mm scope ! UniGuide50 specification: Length:270mm.
Related Products. RedCat 51 APO 250mm f/4.9 . $823.00. Wish List
All new, unique, fully multi coated WO 50mm f/4 guiding scope with 1.25" RotoLock adapter that fits perfectly on your William Optics telescope.
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Description Supports QHY, SBIG, ZWO, and other 1.25" cylinder-type guiding cameras Guiding scope gives sharpest image and straight through viewing with an inverted image. High-quality 50 mm objective. 5.7 2019 All New Slide-base UniGuide 50mm Scope (with a Unique 1.25 inch RotoLock) Introducing New GT71 And UniGuide 50mm scope by william optics! 2019 All New Slide-base UniGuide 50mm Scope (with a Unique 1.25 inch RotoLock) Introducing New GT71 And UniGuide 50mm scope ! UniGuide50 specification: Length:270mm.
Want to start guiding, and wondering if this scope would sit directly on the z61 with a basic dovetail base, or would there not be enough clearance to fit a zwo ASI120MM Mini on there. UniGuide guidescope .
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Guiding with the Mini Guide Scope - makes astrophotography easier and needs less equipment . This small guide scope takes does the job of a 'classic' guide scope - but it is lighter and much easier to use! Previously, long and unwieldy guide scopes were used to locate a …
This is the Gold version. All New Slide-base UniGuide 50mm Guide Scope (with a unique 1.25 inch RotoLock camera holder). Features a black anodized Vixen/Synta-style rail (not removable) at the bottom of the finder tube for direct insertion into compatible handles on William Optics telescopes.
The UniGuide 50 mm Guidescope keeps in line with the quality William Optics is known for. Complete with a 1.25-inch RotoLock design, you'll get the perfect focus you need, every time! Get in perfect focus with this high-quality William Optics Guide Scope. 1.25-inch RotoLock design for smooth and accurate focusing. This is the Gold version.
Guide Cam: QHY5III290C Review of iStar Optical 150mm (6”) F/15 Objective Lens. From Russ Leonard William Optics UniGuide 50mm Slide-Base Guide Scope w/ 1.25" RotoLock o.b.o. · Length: 270mm (10.6") · Weight: 515g (1.14 lb) · Included: 1.25" RotoLock Feb 26, 2021 Style: William Optics 50mm Slide-base Uniguide; William Optics 50mm Guide Scope; William Optics 50mm f/4 Guide Scope; William Optics 50mm William Optics 50mm Slide-base Uniguide; williams optics guide scope William Optics 50mm Guiding Scope with; williams optics guide scope William Optics The setup above shows a William Optics Zenithstar 73 refractor with a 50mm guide scope and camera mounted on top. If you are looking to add a small guide Apr 5, 2021 william optics 50mm guide scope online store sell william optics 50mm guide scope violet,william optics 50mm guide scope calypso,william Guidescope Suitability Calculator. Calculate the resoution in arc seconds per pixel of a CCD with a particular telescope. Resolution Formula: ( Pixel Size This small guide scope takes does the job of a 'classic' guide scope - but it is lighter and much easier to use!
When it comes to the 32 mm UniGuide Scope's appearance, the beautiful red exterior matches perfectly with other red William Optics refractors and accessories. New William Optics 50mm f/4 Uniguide Slide-base Guide Scope. Features a unique 1.25" RotoLock adapter, perfect for securely attaching guide cameras and other 1.25" accessories and a dovetail to slide into the carry handle being supplied with the latest William Optics 2019 telescopes.