Our EIT Climate-KIC Partners. A wider network of over 20 international organisations and companies are actively working with the CSA Booster via EIT Climate-KIC co-funded projects, including major players from the agri-food industry, the agricultural sector, industry alliances, regional farmer cooperatives, government bodies, technology and solution providers and start-ups.


EIT RawMaterials is the world’s largest innovation community in the raw materials sector, connecting more than 122 core and associate partners and 180+ project partners from leading businesses, universities, research and technology organisations across Europe.

Having won the EIT Climate-KIC Venture Competition in 2014, aQysta received widespread media attention. The company expanded its offices to Nepal, Indonesia, Malawi and Colombia. EIT Climate-KIC is a European knowledge and innovation community, working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. Of course, we cannot do this alone. Supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, we identify and support innovations that help mitigate the negative impacts of climate change.

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At the same time, we support communities […] annex 3 - fpa [year]/eit/[kic name]/[number] specific agreement no. eit/[kic name]/[year]/[number] 5 section 3 rights and obligations related to pre-existing rights (background) and results 33 article 18 — additional rights and obligations related to background and 1 dag sedan · The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) will launch a funding call this autumn to back the formation of a knowledge and innovation community (KIC) for the creative and cultural industries. The new KIC will be EIT’s ninth network, providing training, business acceleration services and funding for the sector across Europe. Our EIT Climate-KIC Partners.

The Cross-KIC circular action includes two specific calls described below.

HORIZON 2020 – (7.2) EIT – KIC DIGITAL. New 2014-2020 programme for Knowledge and Innovation Communities in digital technology innovation. 2014; 2020 

Related report . Collaboration opportunities and synergies between RIS3 and EIT Climate KIC under the RIS scheme – Working document (March 2018) EIT Climate-KIC Spain, Valencia. 1,082 likes · 3 talking about this. Centro de Innovación en Cambio Climático EIT Climate-KIC Serbia Hub, Belgrad.

eit climate kic. swedish ict (212)sics (123)energi & miljö (109)acreo (100)forskning (95)bioekonomi (85)innventia (79)innovation & forskning 

EIT Climate-KIC is a European knowledge and innovation community, working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. Of course, we cannot do this alone. Supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, we identify and support innovations that help mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. At the same time, we support communities […] annex 3 - fpa [year]/eit/[kic name]/[number] specific agreement no. eit/[kic name]/[year]/[number] 5 section 3 rights and obligations related to pre-existing rights (background) and results 33 article 18 — additional rights and obligations related to background and 1 dag sedan · The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) will launch a funding call this autumn to back the formation of a knowledge and innovation community (KIC) for the creative and cultural industries.

Eit kic

Snart är det dags för en Food4Future KIC. Foodbest är ett europeiskt  EIT Health. EIT Raw. Materials. 2014.
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Eit kic

For a strong digital Europe. Inclusive. Fair. Sustainable.

Whether events can spell disaster for cities and the inhabitants in them. To help tackle this immense challenge EIT Climate-KIC as set up the innovation system Nature-Based City Initiative. Based on the EIT Climate-KIC Healthy, Clean Cities Deep Demonstration, Cross-KIC Sustainable Cities focuses on the radical redesign of fundamental city functions to create ‘Transition SuperLabs’. It works with the cities of Amsterdam, Leuven, and Madrid, which have been selected for prototyping the functions and the services needed for adaptive and sustainable human settlements.
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EIT Climate-KIC Master School Join our programme which offers a unique arena to deepen and extend your knowledge, gain credibility and develop your business opportunities throughout Europe and beyond.

It works with the cities of Amsterdam, Leuven, and Madrid, which have been selected for prototyping the functions and the services needed for adaptive and sustainable human settlements. EIT Climate-KIC junto a la Fundación Laudes, lanza una iniciativa para movilizar a su comunidad de expertos para trabajar con una amplia coalición de líderes de ciudades, grupos de ciudadanos y empresas para acelerar los esfuerzos para reducir el carbono incorporado en los nuevos edificios en dos EIT Climate-KIC Spain es la representación en España de la iniciativa europea EIT Climate-KIC, la mayor asociación público-privada de Europa que se ocupa del cambio climático mediante la innovación para construir una economía neutra en carbono. EIT Climate-KIC cuenta con el apoyo del Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología (EIT), organismo de la Unión Europea.

27. okt. 2015 Následne riaditeľ EIT Martin Kern predstavil činnosť EIT a plánovanú výzvu pre rok 2016 na dve nové spoločenstvá KIC (Food for Future a 

EIT Digital 2022: join us in boosting entrepreneurship and education for a strong digital Europe EIT Digital is launching today the construction of the ‘EIT Digital 2022’ activities and… March 30, 2021 Las Comunidades de Conocimiento e Innovación (KIC) Un KIC es la parte independiente pero operacional del EIT que materializa la red de innovación. Los KICs son entidades formadas por socios temáticamente convergentes estructuradas legal y financieramente y distribuidas internacionalmente. EIT Plaza Climate-KIC: Username EIT Climate-KIC Hub Portugal connects the right people and builds up a strong community to lead the transition to a net zero carbon economy and resilient society through systems innovation.

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