Fotografiska on Stockholmi juurtega rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud fotograafiamuuseum. See on kohtumispaik, kus saavad kokku kunst, hea toit, muusika, disain ja avatud mõtteviis. Fotograafiamuuseumi Fotografiska Tallinn kontseptsioon hõlmab näituste ja ürituste ala, kohvikut, restorani ning fotokunstipoodi.
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Filter — Home / Gift Cards Gift Cards. Showing all 4 results. FOTOGRAFISKA TALLINN GIFT CARD 33 € Gift Cards € 33,00 Add to cart. FOTOGRAFISKA TALLINN GIFT CARD 66€ Gift Cards Liitu siinsamas Fotografiska uudiskirjaga ja ole maja sündmustega kursis! Filter by Price. Filter — Shop. Showing 1–15 of 283 results.
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Posters Fotografiska, Robert Mapplethorpe Ken Moody and Robert Sherman Posters Fotografiska, Martin Schoeller, Jeff Koons with Floral Headpiece. I år har Lakritsfestivalen fått äran att vara på Fotografiska vid Stadsgårdskajen i Stockholm som Boenden närmast Fotografiska natten mellan 16 och 17 April. Best price guarantee; Free cancellations; Pay on arrival; 24/7 customer support. [:en]We can now proudly announce that we will have our big price ceremony this year at the PhotoMarket organized at Fotografiska in CMO på Fotografiska International communication platform- "Provoking perspectives" to Fotografiska New York, London and Tallinn to "The uneaqual price" Bror Salomon Price. by Okänd konstnär / Artist unknown Ordförandeskifte i Fotografiska Föreningen. 24 april 1941.
Fotografiska is an internationally recognised museum of photography with its roots in Stockholm. It is a meeting place for art, good food, music, design, and open mindsets. The concept of the Fotografiska Tallinn Photography Museum includes an exhibition and event area, a café, a restaurant, and a fine-art photography shop.
Fotografiska is housed at Stadsgården, in a former customs house in the Art Nouveau style [citation needed] dating from 1906. Filter by Price. Filter — Home / Posters Posters. Showing 1–15 of 101 results Liitu siinsamas Fotografiska uudiskirjaga ja ole maja sündmustega kursis!
Fotografiska nahkmärkmik Fotografiska Collection € 15,00 – € 23,00 Select options
1. Katalog nr. 80 å fotografiska apparater, optik, förbrukningsartiklar och tillbehör. AB Arto, juni 1938. 8vo i ett Den finaste fotografiska apparaten som tillverkas i detta land. Copy Report an error Reflects cost of video tapes, alkaline batteries and photographic materials.
-Jag var blyg och kände också ett motstånd mot att ta bilder på främmande människor, kände mig som en voyeur och beroende av andra människors liv för att kunna skapa mina bilder, säger han bland annat. Fotografiska New York was live. March 10 at 4:00 PM · A conversation with Michelle Dunn Marsh, co-founder and publisher of Minor Matters Books, and Black Artist Fund’s artists Chanell Stone, Kendall Bessent, and Edward Cushenberry, who will discuss the themes of loss, closeness, tenderness, and power in photography during a time when intimacy is on hold for many. Fotografiska is an inspiring place and perfect for those who want to experience contemporary photography at its best. Fotografiska in Stockholm shows four major exhibitions and about 20 smaller annually with works from both new and established photographers.
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Focused on contemporary photography, the waterfront museum is one of Fotografiska's four outposts around the world and has produced more than 190 exhibitions. Fotografiska London information - Showing up to seven exhibitions at one time, all of which are accessible with one entry ticket, Fotografiska London follows the successful model of its sister gallery in Stockholm. Fotografiska Museet wants to give the visitors art from both well-established artists as well as unknown photographers that you might not have heard about before. With major exhibitions each year, the museum is an international meeting place for photography, located centrally in Stockholm with 2500 sq-metres of exhibition space.
Filter — Home / Fotografiska Collection Fotografiska Collection. Showing 1–15 of 77 results Fotografiska Collection
Fotokonstcentret Fotografiska Tallinn. Fotografiska är ett internationellt erkänt fotografimuseum med rötter i Stockholm.
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Fotokonstcentret Fotografiska Tallinn. Fotografiska är ett internationellt erkänt fotografimuseum med rötter i Stockholm. Det är en mötesplats, där konst, god mat, musik, design och öppet tankesätt möts. Konceptet i Fotokonstcentret Fotografiska Tallinn omfattar utställnings- och evenemangsyta, kafé, restaurang och fotokonstbutik.
Prices start at 750 kr SEK per night.
Fotografiska Stockholm admission prices can vary. Entrance tickets currently cost $20.91, while a popular guided tour starts around $41.13 per person. See all 9 Fotografiska Stockholm tickets and tours on Tripadvisor
Information/price information/booking at Fotografiska.
We connected in the past in Miami where I planned art exhibits specifically because there wasn't a gallery willing to represent, support, Fotografiska Restaurant adds a new level to the Estonian food culture. Such reuse, from the interior to the serving of food, has never been seen in Estonia before. The sourdough bread, which is our substitute for the traditional Estonian black bread, is served on ‘plates’ made from the bread baking trays of a former bread factory. Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device support.